Grand Pack

Quick Start

Grand Pack includes 34 ready to use templates. You don't need to do much when you going to use one of them:

  1. Choose the template from Grand Pack.
  2. Copy html code from one of examples, add it to your page.
  3. Check that the structure of your JSON source is similar to the structure of the json file of the template.
  4. Add some changes to css.
  5. Add some changes to javascript.

How to work with json file

  1. Go to the folder named 'examples' and open html file with the template that you have chosen, for instance light.html
  2. You can see the script there.
  3. Find the var options. It's an object with our settings.
  4. Find the parameter utl. It's a path to json file: 'assets/json/light.json'
  5. Open this json file.
  6. Change this file by inserting paths to your images (src - icon image, url - big image)
  7. Change title and topDescription attributes.

How to change css

Every template has one or more css files, which located in the 'css' folder of the template folder.

One file has the same name as the template itself (the main css file). Other files, if any, have a suffix '-colors' in their names.

If you are going to change font size, font family, or other general css properties, you should change the main file.

If the template has one or more color files, these files contain color schemes. You can find there all color properties. The main file will contain the 'black-and-white' scheme.

If there is no 'color files' for the template, all css 'color properties' can be found in the main file.

You'd better not modify template css files. Create your own css file instead where you can override css properties.

How to choose a color scheme.

Some templates have color schemes. To enable them:

  1. inclide an appropriate css file in your <head> section of the page

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../grand-pack/flip/bright/css/bright-colors.min.css">
  2. Choose the color scheme. There are 30 color schemes in every css file with a suffix '-colors'.

    You can apply a color scheme to every item in the grid or to the grid itself.

  3. Apply the color scheme by using an appropriate css class.

    If you want all items to have the single color scheme, you should add the scheme class to the root element of the grid:

    <!--add the color class to the root element-->
    <div id="container" style="visibility:hidden" class="mmg-color-12"></div>

    If you want every item to have its own scheme you should do the same way as was done in the example of the template: you should specify in your json file the appropriate value for every 'classList' key.

      "classList": "mmg-color-0",
        "title":"Your Title",
        "descr": "Your decribtion can be placed here"
      "classList": "mmg-color-12",
        "title":"Your Title",
        "descr": "Your decribtion can be placed here"

To disable colorscheme you chould remove 'classList' from your JSON.

What options can I change?

Let's take an example:

grid = new MMG.Grid.Grid({ //the new grid instance is created
  retina: 2, //the Retina mode is switched on
  grid: '#container', // the root element
  url: 'assets/json/creative.json', //the JSON file
  templateName: 'Creative', //the template name
  twin: true, // the twin mode is switched on
  gridClass: 'creative', //this class is added to the root element
  canvasFilters: [['grayscale']], // the canvas filter array
  svgFiltersId: 'grayscale', //the ID of the SVG filter
  oldIEFilter: 'css', //the filter mode for IE8, IE9
  lightbox: {
    retina: true //the Retina mode is switched on for the lightbox

Here is a typical javascript code that you can meet in many examples of template usage.

You must now that some options are not changeable without a damage for the template:

You can't disable 'twin' mode, for instance. You shouldn't change: 'grid', 'templateName', 'gridClass' options, if you don't want to change the template itself.

But you can modify other options. For example, you can change a size of images by defining the 'height' option, or you can modify a 'margin' option.

If you don't have images prepared for Retina, you can disable the 'Retina' mode.

You can change lightbox settings, or you can disable the lightbox at all.

You can do something with filters: you can use 'sepia' instead of 'grayscale', for instance.

Can I change the structure of the json file?

No you can not. You must use the same structure, as in the example.

If you can't change your JSON file and your JSON file structure is different, you should change the template itself.

Yes, you can!

From ver.2.5 you can use jsonParser function to change your own json schema.

How can I load more images by AJAX

Define a counter variable and increment it every time you are clicking on the 'load' button:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var MMG, grid;
  MMG = window.MMG; 
  var options = {
    retina: 2,
    grid: '#container',
    url: 'assets/json/light1.json',
    lightbox: {
      retina: true
  grid = MMG.Gallery('Light', options); 

  var pager = 2; //the counter
  $('#load a').click(function() {
    //new url for every ajax request: light2.json, light3.json
    var url = 'assets/json/light'+pager+'.json';

    var lastItem = $('.mmg-img').last();
    var top = lastItem.offset().top;


    //If we don't need this button anymore:
    if(pager === 4) $(this).remove();

See example

If you use PHP to generate JSON:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var MMG, grid;
  MMG = window.MMG; 
  var options = {
    retina: 2,
    grid: '#container',
    url: 'assets/json/light1.json',
    lightbox: {
      retina: true //the Retina mode is switched on for the lightbox
  grid = MMG.Gallery('Light', options); 

  var pager = 2; //the counter
  $('#load a').click(function() {
    // a data object that must be converted to string
    // and than be appended to the url:
    var data = {
      page: pager

    // 3 arguments!
    grid.loadByAjax('json.php', data, 'json');

    //If we don't need this button anymore:
    if(pager === 4) $(this).remove();

Can I use html markup for building the grid?

Yes you can. You need define a parser function for this.

$(document).ready(function () {
  var MMG, grid, parser;
  MMG = window.MMG; //a global variable
   * the parser function for this grid
   * @param   {jQuery Object} root 
   * @returns {Object}
  parser = function(root) {
    var NS, data;
    data = [];
    NS = this.meta.NS;
    $('.mmg-img', root.get(0)).each(function(i, item) {
      var elem, icon;
      icon = $('.mmg-icon', item);
      elem = {};
      elem.face = {};
      elem.classList = $(item).attr('class');
      elem.src = $(icon).attr('src');
      elem.href = $('.mmg-link', item).attr('href');
      elem.title = $('.mmg-title', item).text();
      elem.rightDescription = $('.mmg-descr-r', item).text();
      elem.leftDescription = $('.mmg-descr-l', item).text();
      elem.topDescription = $('.mmg-descr-t', item).text();
      elem.bottomDescription = $('.mmg-descr-b', item).text();
    root.empty(); // empties the container. Do not forget!
    return data;
  grid = new MMG.Grid.Grid({ //the new grid instance is created
    retina: 2, //the Retina mode is switched on
    grid: '#container', // the root element
    templateName: 'Summer', //the template name
    gridClass: 'summer', //this class is added to the root element
    lightbox: {
      retina: true //the Retina mode is switched on for the lightbox
    parser: parser // the parser function
  $('#load a').click(function () {
    // loads new HTML file and adds new rows to the grid
    grid.loadByAjax('assets/html/summer.html', {}, 'html');

See the fool example here

Remember, that your parser function should return an object, which must have the same structure as the JSON file for the template!

Can I use an object for building the grid?

Yes you can. Your object must have the same structure as the JSON file for the template.

See The data mode usage

Can I make some changes in the template?

Yes you can.

The template object has the following structure:

// The general template object
MMG.Templates.Name = {};
// It contains a string of template markup
MMG.Templates.Name.template = "";
// and a callback function
MMG.Templates.Name.callback = function(){};
// The template object for mobile devices. Can be undefined. = {}; = ""; = function(){};
// The template object for IE9 and IE8. Can be undefined.
MMG.Templates.ie9.Name = {};
MMG.Templates.ie9.Name.template = "";
MMG.Templates.ie9.Name.callback = function(){};
// The template object for IE8. Can be undefined.
MMG.Templates.ie8.Name = {};
MMG.Templates.ie8.Name.template = "";
MMG.Templates.ie8.Name.callback = function(){};

You can override every element of this structure.


$(document).ready(function() {
  var MMG, grid;
  MMG = window.MMG; //a global variable
  let's add the special object fo mobile devices
  to the 'Wind' template of Grand Pack
  */ = {};
  // this template overrides the general template
  // I took MMG.Templates.Wind.ie8.template as a base =
  "<div class='<%=meta.NS %>-img <%= data.classList %>' data-image-id='<%= imageId %>'>"+
    "<a class='<%=meta.NS %>-link' href='<%= data.href %>'>"+
      "<div class='<%=meta.NS %>-icon-wrapper <%=meta.NS %>-fs'>"+
        "<div class='<%=meta.NS %>-icon-container <%=meta.NS %>-fs'>"+
          "<img class='<%=meta.NS %>-icon <%=meta.NS %>-fs' src='<%= data.src %>'>"+
        "<div class='<%=meta.NS %>-icon-bg'></div>"+
      "<div class='<%=meta.NS %>-caption-wrapper'>"+
        "<div class='<%=meta.NS %>-f-caption'>"+
          "<div class='<%=meta.NS %>-descr-t'><%= data.topDescription %></div>"+
          "<h3 class='<%=meta.NS %>-title'><%= data.title %></h3>"+
          "<div class='<%=meta.NS %>-descr-b'><%= data.bottomDescription %></div>"+
    "<%= lightbox %>"+
  // We must override MMG.Templates.Wind.callback = function(){}
  grid = new MMG.Grid.Grid({ //the new grid instance is created
    retina: 2, //the Retina mode is switched on
    grid: '#container', // the root element
    url: 'assets/json/good.json', //the JSON file
    margin: 4, // margin-bottom and margin-right
    canvasFilters: [['grayscale']], // the canvas filter array
    twin: true, // the twin mode is switched on
    svgFiltersId: 'grayscale', //the ID of the SVG filter
    templateName: 'Wind', //the template name
    gridClass: 'wind', //this class is added to the root element
    oldIEFilter: 'css', //the filter mode for IE8, IE9
    lightbox: {
      retina: true //the Retina mode is switched on for the lightbox
  $('#load a').click(function() {
    // loads new JSON file and adds new rows to the grid

See the fool example here

What to do if I want to create a custom template?

See this article.

How can I use other lightboxes

You can choose ColorBox, PrettyPhoto or PhotoSwipe by using the getExternalLightbox public method that gives a developer a simple way to integrate these lightboxes with Moon Mega Grid.

See getExternalLightbox for a description of the method and parameters

See Examples:

Colorbox example, PrettyPhoto example, Photoswipe example

The getExternalLightbox method is a factory fanction, that hides the code of integration under the hood.

If you need to integrate these lightboxes but you don't want to use the getExternalLightbox method, see these examples:

Colorbox example, PrettyPhoto example, Photoswipe example

Can I use Flickr API?

Yes you can!

First of all, you need to get an API key.

You can use the jsonParser callback function to parse Flickr response.

You can use the following Flickr API methods for your requests:

  • flickr.galleries.getPhotos
  • flickr.people.getPhotosOf
  • flickr.people.getPublicPhotos
  • flickr.photosets.getPhotos

You can use these method with defferent parameters. The full information you can find here.

See these examples (don't forget to insert your api key):

How can I use swipe lightbox?

You can choose one of presettings: classica (default), vertical, minimal, simple

See examples

Use option swipe to define settings. If the swipe is undefined or false, the swipe option will be disabled.


var options = {


  lightbox: {


    swipe: {
      name: 'vertical',
      auto: true,
      closeOnEnd: true

It's also possible to create custom captions for the lightbox. See how to

How to disable lightbox for some icons?

Define the option excludable as true

var options = {


  excludable: true,

Change your json file. In items, which you need to open as links:

  • Add mmg-external to the classList attribute
  • Add excluded attribute with a value true
  "classList":"mmg-color-0 mmg-external",
  "excluded": true

See example